Venue:                       The Noble Hotel & Conference Centre, Eldoret
Theme:           Educating the Kenya Child

The conference addressed the following areas among others:

  • The Nandi County KCSE 2020 Results analysis, resolutions and way forward
  • Emerging trends in Public Sector Accounting – IPSAS and Risk Based Audit Approach
  • Understanding the Teachers’ Service Commission (TSC) Reform Agenda from 2017 to date

Two members of the BioCosmos Africa, Dr. R. Ochieng’ and Fr. Martin Tanui were given opportunity to attend the conference and speak to the participants on the subject of Intelligent Design. The theme of the conference “Educating the Kenya Child” blended very well with the purpose of BioCosmos Africa.

The BioCosmoss team gave an elevator speech on 3rd June 2021 touching on the following aspects:

  1. Mission of BioCosmos Africa and BioCosmos Kenya:
  • Advance the understanding that human beings and nature are the result of intelligent design rather than a blind and undirected process
  • The team seek long-term scientific and cultural change through cutting-edge scientific research and scholarship; education and training of young leaders; communication to the general public; and advocacy of academic freedom and free speech for scientists, teachers, and students
  1. Purpose:
  • Promote and convey knowledge about scientific research and theories related to the origin of the universe, the origin of life and the origin of the human species, by emphasizing the alternative theories and explanations presented by Intelligent Design. 
  • Introduce and assist in implementing Intelligent Design curriculum at universities and colleges, assist in implementing Intelligent Design in already existing courses, and help qualifying lecturers to teach Intelligent Design. BioCosmos Kenya also intends to promote and prepare Intelligent Design to be accepted and taught in primary and secondary schools as a valid scientific alternative to naturalistic evolution theories.
  • Participate in annual Principal & Headteachers conferences for primary and secondary schools to present Intelligent Design and distribute Intelligent Design related material.
  • Participate in relevant academic conferences/ fora/ discussions related to the origin of the Universe, as well as the origin of life, and use available media platforms to spread information about ID.
  • Disseminate information from conferences, workshops, research etc on ID through publications in form of academic journals, monographs, books, pamphlets etc.
  • Offer partial scholarships for students pursuing courses in intelligent Design in various institutes/universities in Kenya
  • Solicit for research grants for research interests in the field of ID in Kenya
  • Establish an Institute for ID in Kenya
  • Nominate participants for the Summer Seminar course at Discovery Institute
  1. Immediate plans for engagement:

Put up an exhibition stand during the next Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association conference to be held in Mombasa in July

Distribute the copies of the following books to the participants:

  1. Kjell, J.T. (2018). The Little Book of Creation: A Simple Guide to Intelligent Design. Proklamedia.
  2. Kjell, J.T. (2019). The Majesty and Mystery of Life: Intelligent Causes in Nature. Proklamedia.
  3. Kjell, J.T. (2020). How and Why the West Lost its Faith. Emphasis on the Christian Worldview. Ventura


We sincerely appreciate the organisers of the conference for the good work they are doing in Nandi County aimed at Educating the Kenya Child and specifically the Chair, KESSHA Nandi County, Mr Elias Cheruiyot for giving us an opportunity to attend the conference and address the participants.


Be blessed Nandi County KESSHA Team.



Dr. Richard Ochieng’ & Fr. Martin Tanui