The team comprised of Mr. Dag Kr. Norli CEO/Chair BioCosmos Africa & Chair BioCosmos Tanzania, Dr. Richard Ochieng’ Chair BioCosmos Kenya and Dr. Fred Chibwana Board Member BioCosmos Tanzania
We spend the 27th of November in Dar es Salaam to do practical matters concerning the newly registered foundation, and the 3 of us flew to Mbeya in the evening for meeting next morning.
28th November 2023
8.30am: The signing of MoU between MUST and BCA
The signing of MoU took place in the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Mbeya University of Science and Technology. The MoU was signed between Mbeya University of Science & Technology and BioCosmos Tanzania. The signatories included: Chair BioCosmos Tanzania Mr. Dag Kr. Norli, VC Mbeya University of Science & Technology Prof. Aloys Ntanturo Mvuma, DVC Academic, Research & Consultancy Prof. Godliving Mtui, Secretary & Board Member BioCosmos Tanzania Dr. Fred Chibwana. The MUST lawyer served as a witness for Mbeya University of Science & Technology while Chair BioCosmos Kenya signed as a witness for BioCosmos Tanzania. The MoU stipulates the framework for mutual collaboration and implementation of various activities geared to dissemination, access and uptake of Intelligent Design Information.
10.30am: Presentation of ID Curriculum
The BioCosmos Foundation team held consultative meeting and did a presentation on the implementation of Intelligent Design curriculum to members of faculty mainly drawn from the Department of Natural Sciences. The meeting took place in the New Library.

12.00pm: Launching of BioCosmos Tanzania Student Club – MUST Chapter
The University management led by DVC Academic, Research & Consultancy Prof Godliving Mtui and DVC Planning, Finance & Administration Dr. John Pius John officially inaugurated the student club. In the presence of the Dean of Students MUST Mr. Augustine P. Matem and other faculty members, The BioCosmos Foundation team took the members of BioCosmos Tanzania student club – MUST Chapter through the concept of Student Clubs, The Motto, Mission, Vision, Activities, Significance and Rationale. The students were also briefed on the status of student clubs in Kenya and past activities undertaken by those clubs.
The event culminated in Question and Answer session that addressed various aspects raised by students. MUST Chapter became the 1st student club to be unveiled in Tanzania.

7.00pm: Award of Certificates and Dinner hosted by CEO BCA Mr. Dag Kr. Norli
Award of Certificates to Alumni of the International Seminar on Intelligent Design and Dinner in the honour of the graduates was held at Hill View Hotel from 7pm.
The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Dag Kr. Norli who also hosted and financed a dinner in honour of the graduates. The ceremony was graced by the Vice Chancellor Teofilo Kisanji Prof. Hermas J.M. Mwansoko, DVC Academic, Research & Consultancy Prof Godliving Mtui who was also representing VC MUST, Dean of Students MUST Mr. Augustine P. Matem and Dean of Students TEKU Ms. Stella Seif. The ceremony saw 5 graduates from MUST, 1 graduate from TEKU and 1 graduate from UDSM receive their certificates. A total of 20 people attended the dinner party.
The graduates were reminded of the task that lies ahead of them and encouraged to be part of the BioCosmos Tanzania activities.

28th November 2023
9.00am: The signing of MoU between TEKU and BCA
The signing of MoU took place in the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Teofilo Kisanji University Prof. Hermas J.M. Mwansoko. The MoU was signed between Teofilo Kisanji University and BioCosmos Tanzania. The signatories included: Chair BioCosmos Tanzania Mr Dag Kr. Norli, VC Teofilo Kisanji University Prof. Hermas J.M. Mwansoko, Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs Prof Tuli Kassimoto, Secretary & Board Member BioCosmos Tanzania Dr. Fred Chibwana.

11.00am: Presentation of ID Curriculum
The BioCosmos Foundation team held consultative meeting and did a presentation on the implementation of Intelligent Design curriculum to members of faculty mainly drawn from the Faculty of Science and Technology. Also present in the meeting included the VC Prof. Hermas J.M. Mwansoko, Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs Prof Tuli Kassimoto, Dean of Students Ms. Stella Seif, and Ag. Dean FoST Dr. Amos Mijuge. The meeting took place in the boardroom.

2.00pm: Launching of BCT Student Club – TEKU Chapter
The Dean of Students Ms. Stella Seif, Ag. Dean FoST Dr. Amos Mijuge and Mr. Nelson Tibashailwa were incharge of the induction meeting that also unveiled the BioCosmos Tanzania Student club – TEKU Chapter. The BioCosmos Foundation team took the club members of BioCosmos Tanzania student club – TEKU Chapter through the concept of Student Clubs, The Motto, Mission, Vision, Activities, Significance and Rationale. The students were also briefed on the status of student clubs in Kenya and past activities undertaken by those clubs. The event culminated in Question and Answer session that addressed various aspects raised by students. TEKU Chapter became the 2nd Student Club in Tanzania.

30th November 2023:
10.00am: Meeting at Tanzania Institute of Education
BioCosmos Team that comprised of Mr. Dag Kr. Norli (Chair BCK), Dr. Fred Chibwana (Secretary BCT) and Dr. Richard Ochieng’ (Chair BCK) made a courtesy call at the Tanzania Institute of Education as a follow-up to a zoom meeting held on 26th October 2023. The Director Dr. Aneth Komba who was to host the team was not present due to an emergency meeting hence delegated to the Institute Lawyer Mr. Leopold Kaswezi. The lawyer agreed to the issues raised and promised to share the details of aspects discussed during the meeting with the Director.

1st December 2023:
9.30am: Meeting at the Department Philosophy and Religious Studies
The BioCosmos Foundation team honoured a courtesy call meeting with the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. The meeting was approved by Prof. R.A. Upor Principal College of Humanities and delegated to the Head of Department Philosophy and Religious Studies Dr. Michael Lyakurwa to manage due to other University commitments. The discussion was basically aligned to the philosophical principles of the theory and other theories that address the question of intelligent causation. The Department was challenged to raise an audience of not less than 1,000 students for a public lecture next year. This is an issue that will be followed up for actualization.

2.00pm: Meeting at DUCE on possible areas of collaboration
Dar Es Salaam University College of Education was represented by Dr. Mjege Kinyoto – The Head of Internationalization and Convocation Unit – Dr. Neema G. Mogha and Ag. Dean – Dr. Zubeda Mussa. The Chair BCT gave a brief background of BioCosmos Foundation and insights into possible areas of collaboration. It was agreed that the Chair BCT drafts a letter that captures the background of BCA and BCT, expression of interest to work with DUCE and possible areas of collaboration. Dr. Mjege promised to take up the matter and make necessary follow ups as soon as the communication is received.