The trip was organized by BioCosmos Africa, CCT staff and of course the local university. In each university we were met by CCT Chaplain that had been involved in preparation with...
BioCosmos Tanzania is an association that will present the view of Intelligent Design which is a relatively new branch of science.
Our desire is to present convincing evidence on this webpage for intelligent agency in nature.
Intelligent Design is a scientific theory that holds that many features in the universe and life are best explained by an intelligent cause!
The trip was organized by BioCosmos Africa, CCT staff and of course the local university. In each university we were met by CCT Chaplain that had been involved in preparation with...
This time I, Dag Kr. Norli made the trip alone from Norway, but had the...
The team comprised of Mr. Dag Kr. Norli CEO/Chair BioCosmos Africa & Chair BioCosmos Tanzania, Dr....
The signing of MoU took place in the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Teofilo...
The motor of the bacterium flagellum The biochemical and molecular biological research of recent years has shown us that our body contains a number of
Irreducible complexity The nano machinery of life Another important concept in Intelligent Design is related to irreducible com- plexity that was reviewed extensively in Michael
Birds egg, what came first? by professor Marcos Eberlin Birds’ Eggs MOLECULAR OXYGEN (O₂) is necessary for life nearly from the moment of conception to